今月、一般社団法人 cornerstone I•SHI•ZU•E が設立されてから3周年を迎えることができました。皆さんの温かいサポートとご協力のおかげで、ここまで成長し続けることができました。
コーナーストーンの使命は、「困難な環境で生きる人々と共に活動し、様々な経験を重ね、心の礎〜cornerstone〜を築き、いずれはその優しさの恩送り〜pay it forward〜を実現する」ことです。
This July, we are celebrating the 3rd anniversary of cornerstone I•SHI•ZU•E!
Thanks to your warm support and cooperation, we have been able to continue growing and spreading our love.Over the past 3 years, we have been dedicated to carefully addressing the needs of people, society, and communities. Through numerous projects and events, we have achieved many successes.
Along the way, we've also learned from our mistakes, allowing us to grow and improve. All of this has been possible thanks to the incredible volunteers and supporters like you.
The mission of cornerstone I•SHI•ZU•E is to "work with those in need, experience life together, build a cornerstone in all of our hearts, and pay it forward by spreading kindness." Reflecting on this mission, we will return to our roots and continue our efforts.
We share updates and reports on our activities through social media. Please follow us: