
Thank you for making a positive impact through your contributions.

Summer Care Package by Nishimachi International School




On July 20th, the care packages prepared by the volunteers from Nishimachi International were delivered to those in need.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all the volunteers, and we sincerely hope that those without homes can find the strength and support they need to survive the intense heat of the Japanese summer.



 #nishimachiinternationalschool #cornerstoneishizue #care #kindness #makingdifference #tokyosummer #homelessnessawareness

Care Package Project


Were excited to share that weve sent a fantastic batch of donated caps to mother and child support facilities, just in time to protect everyone from the scorching summer heat!


A huge thank you to our amazing donors! Your generosity is making a big difference!


And dont forget to take care of yourself in this summer heat too! Stay cool and hydrated!










Care Package Project


Weve sent essential supplies to support refugees seeking safety and a new start. Thank you for your generous donations! Lets continue to spread kindness and help those in need.





A Midsummer Day's Joy:

Basketball Court Project at Children's Home


On a scorching midsummer day, we held a VF Japan-sponsored project at a childrens home in Tokyo. Due to delays in construction caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the much-anticipated basketball court was finally completed! We enjoyed playing basketball with the children who had been eagerly waiting for this day, while the younger children had fun with games like ring toss and super ball scooping. We enjoyed pizza together for lunch, and for dessert, we decorated cookies and muffins to our liking. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the VF Japan employees and the missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who joined as volunteers!





真夏を思わせる暑さの日、都内の児童養護施設でVFジャパンのスポンサープロジェクトを実施しました。コロナ禍で工事が遅れ、長い間待ち望んでいたバスケットボールコートがようやく完成しました。この日を楽しみにしていた子どもたちとボランティアの皆さんは 一緒にバスケットボールを楽しみ、幼い子どもたちは輪投げやスーパーボールすくいなどのゲームを楽しみました。ランチにはみんなでピザをいただき、デザートにはクッキーやマフィンを自分好みにデコレーションして楽しみました。ボランティアで来てくださったVFジャパンの社員の皆さん、末日聖徒イエスキリスト教会のミッショナリーの皆さん、本当にありがとうございました!

Nishimachi International Schools Initiative:

Join Us in Making a Difference





Despite support from the government and NGOs, those without stable housing continue to face challenges due to social stigma and limited welfare programs. Recently, we were able to distribute 100 care packages, generously created by the volunteers from Nishimachi International School, to those without stable housing in Shinjuku Ward and Adachi Ward.

Warmth and Joy:

Highlights from Our Recent Event at the Mother and Child Support Facility


In Tokyo, as the summer sunshine begins to make its presence felt, we held a wonderful event at the Mother and Child Support Facility. With the warm-hearted support from all our Cornerstone supporters, we were able to provide daily necessities and food to families currently living in the facility, as well as those who have moved out and started new lives.


We are especially thrilled to share that we prepared hats for the children for the upcoming hot summer. Despite the urgent call for help just before the event, many supporters immediately responded, allowing us to purchase a large number of hats. It was truly heart-warming to be able to provide support that aligns with Japans four seasons. Seeing the childrens smiles as they chose their new hats touched our hearts deeply. The proud expressions of the children wearing their new hats and the joyful faces of their mothers were simply unforgettable.


Additionally, members of the online salon from Asakura Shokos Aging Research Institute received a workshop under the guidance of professional instructors in preparation for the hand massage project for this visit. The lovely scents and the relaxing time were greatly appreciated, with many mothers expressing their heartfelt gratitude. One of the dedicated volunteers shared a touching message, saying that volunteering offers opportunities to learn new things. Its truly inspiring!


That's not all! We also treated the mothers to delicious sweets from Patisserie Yuki. A special thank you to Patisserie Yuki for their cooperation. It brought us great joy to see the mothers relax and enjoy the sweets.


This day was filled with smiles and joy, thanks to the cooperation and generosity of so many people. We sincerely thank all our supporters from the bottom of our hearts. We look forward to continuing this journey together, spreading warmth and kindness every step of the way.







また、お母さんたちには、Patisserie Yukiの美味しいスイーツも楽しんでいただきました。協力してくださったPatisserie Yukiに感謝を申し上げます。お母さんたちがリラックスしてスイーツを楽しむ姿を見ることができて、とても嬉しかったです。




Annual Donation Event at National Azabu


Once again this year, people gathered to spread love at National Azabu over two wonderful days. Donations of staple food, essential items, and feminine hygiene products were collected to support single-parent families and recent graduates of children's homes.

This event has become a cherished tradition, with many community members contributing their part.

We are deeply grateful for the support from the following organizations. Their unwavering dedication and commitment to our cause have been instrumental in making this gathering possible. The warmth and hospitality they provide create a welcoming environment that brings our community together, fostering a spirit of generosity and compassion. Without their gracious assistance, this event would not have been the success that it was. We are profoundly thankful for their partnership and look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts in the future.

  • Akoya Atelier
  • Eureka Diamonds
  • Maricca Apothecary
  • MM Apothecary
  • MyL Photography
  • Bright Choice
  • National Azabu

Also, students from Nishimachi International School took the initiative to collect items at their school before the event. They dashed over to National Azabu during their break time, donations in hand, and then sprinted back to class. Talk about dedication and a good workout! What a remarkable effort by these energetic young people!


Thank you to everyone who contributed and made this event a success. Together, we are making a positive difference in our community.



The Heartwarming Contributions of Kids to

Their Community


Nishimachi International Schools students volunteers spread joy and hope among the homeless by preparing 100 care bags, made possible through the kindness of their families and teachers, fostering a culture of empathy and generosity. Thank you 

Bridging Hearts: Kids Connecting with Kids


西町インターナショナルスクールの Global Ambassador team が葛飾区の児童養護施設を訪れ、17名の参加者と楽しい時間を過ごしました。最初はみんな少し緊張していましたが、伝言ゲームやUno、ダイスゲームやジェンガなどゲームを通してリラックスし、最後はみんなでビンゴゲームを楽しみました。



The Global Ambassador team of Nishimachi International School visited a children's home in Katsushika and had a fun time with 17 participants. At first, everyone was a little shy but they relaxed through games like telephone game, Uno, dice games and Jenga, and ended by enjoying a game of Bingo together.





Holiday Project



末日聖徒イエスキリスト教会のボランティアのみなさんと母子支援施設にお届けする120個の母の日ギフトバッグを作りました。昨年に続きをご寄付をくださったdoTERRA(リラックス間違いなしのボディーソープ)、素敵なスカーフでご支援いただいたDavid Lundinに心からの感謝を申し上げます!



The volunteers from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made 120 Mothers Day gift bags which were delivered to 6 homes for single-parent families. Very specific thanks go out to doTERRA for their generous donation of body soap, continuing their support from last year and to David Lundin for providing beautiful scarves





Holiday Project

Children's Day


Macaron Laboratory より子供の日のためのギフトバッグのご寄付をいただきました。




We received a donation of gift bags for Holiday Project-Children's Day from Macaron Laboratory. They were promptly sent to children's homes in Tokyo.





5: May: Holiday Project-Childrens Day





Volunteers from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made 250 gift bags to be delivered to a children's homes and the homes for single parent families.

4: April: Care Package Project


National Azabuでのfood drive でご寄付いただいた食料等を生活保護を受けているご家族にお送りしました。



The food and other items donated during the food drive at National Azabu were delivered to families receiving welfare support.


新学年 文房具セット

New Academic Year Stationery Set


April 2024



Parker ファミリーに心からの感謝を申し上げます。




We have received a donation of 50 stationery sets to be delivered to childrens home and home for single parent families as they start the new school year. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Parker family. 30 sets have been delivered to the childrens homes in Ishikawa Prefecture and 20 sets have been provided to the home for single parent families in Adachi Ward. 

児童養護施設 卒園生の皆さんへの支援

Support for Graduates of children's homes.




March 2024


現在、児童養護施設では原則18歳になると施設を卒園し自立をしていきます。この4月cornerstone I•SHI•ZU•Eのパートナー施設から23名のみなさんが新しいスタートをきりました。今年1月に起きた能登地震で被災した児童養護施設からも2名が卒園されました。新しいスタートを迎える卒園生へ、200名近くの末日聖徒イエス•キリスト教会のボランティアの皆さんとともに新生活応援パッケージを準備してお渡しする事ができました。


まず これからの生活で使う 炊飯器、電気ポット、電子レンジ、オーブントースター ドライヤー または 布団セットの中から一つ選んでいただき ほかに、日用品とキッチン用品と食料品のセットをご用意しました。これらのアイテムをボランティアさんが心を込めて書いてくださった応援メッセージと共にお送りしました。





In children's homes, most people leave and start living on their own when they turn 18. This April, 23 individuals from partner homes of cornerstone I•SHI•ZU•E embarked on a fresh chapter, including two graduates from a children's home affected by the Noto earthquake in January. We were able to prepare care packages along with about 200 volunteers from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to welcome the graduates to their new beginnings. 

We express heartfelt gratitude to all the volunteers.


Each graduate chose from a selection including a rice cooker, electric pot, microwave, toaster oven, dryer, and futon set. Additionally, we provided essential kitchen utensils and groceries, coupled with sincere messages from devoted volunteers.


We stand steadfast in our support for these graduates, earnestly wishing them joy and fulfillment in their futures.


MLB Japan からのご寄付

Donation from MLB Japan


March 2024


MLB Japan よりWBCロゴ入りのマスクのご寄付をいただきました。

We received a donation of masks with the WBC logo from MLB Japan.




Care Package Project  


March 2024




ご寄付いただいた皆さま、National Azabu Neighbors



We sent the donations collected from the food drive held at National Azabu Supermarket to the independent living assistance home.


We express our gratitude to everyone who contributed and to all the members of National Azabu Neighbors.




Mobile phone batteries


March 2024





To celebrate the new school of the children living in the





Holiday Project Hinamatsuri


March 2024





In celebration of Hinamatsuri, we delivered gift bags with hina-arare and various sweets to the homes for single parent families.


We express our gratitude to the Parker family for their donation.

ホリデープロジェクト: バレンタイン

Holiday Project: Valentine


February 2024




たくさんのマフィンをベイクしてくださったMacaron Laboratory, ビンゴのプライズをご寄付してくださった西町インターナショナルスクール、ボランティアに来てくださったしのぶさん、けいこちゃん、リア。みなさんにたくさんの感謝です!  



We held a Valentine's project at Kibo no Ie! Everyone decorated cupcakes and cookies together. We enjoyed playing bingo afterwards! 



A big thank you to Macaron Laboratory for baki


Boutique Project at the home for single parent


January 2024








洋服自体高額であるし 子どもはすぐ成長しますし お母さん自身がブランドの洋服は買えません。ありがとうございました!


Everyone enjoyed free shopping with the items generously donated. Items donated included clothing, food, and daily necessities. While moms enjoyed shopping, children were having fun with volunteers playing games and drawing.


We received a message from the home:


'Thank you for coming to our home yesterday. The children and especially mothers were looking forward to the event! Clothing can be expensive and children quickly outgrow them. Mothers often can't afford clothes for themselves. We would like to send our appreciation for your generosity.



Preparation for Boutique Project 


January 2024





For the boutique project at the home for single parent families, we loaded many donations received from everyone into a car and transport them to the home. Thanks to the volunteers who carried the heavy boxes!






児童養護施設へお届けするクリスマスギフトを, ボランティアの



Holiday Project



Our wonderful volunteers took their time to carefully wrap Christmas gifts for children's homes.

 2024 January


新鮮な果物をなかなか召し上がれないという情報を得て、refugeesの皆様 に 美味しいりんごとオレンジをお渡ししました。 


We delivered apples and oranges to the refugees upon their requests.